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Hot CPU Tester

Version 3.0
Hot CPU Tester Pro is a system health and stability tester. It tests CPU, chipset and virtually all parts of motherboard for errors/bugs and defective parts. It is a burn-in test with uniquely designed state of the art DefectTech engine. DefectTech is a technology developed by OpusWare Enterprise to diagnose systems regarding its stability and in general, computer's health. Hot CPU Tester is currently being used in many labs and governmental organizations around the world, as a reliable stability testing utility.
Main features:
  • Revolutionary DefectTech engine, accurately tests the whole system and its subsets.
  • Written purely to test CPU, chipset, motherboard, Memory
  • Multi CPU compatible
  • Utilizes SSE,SSE2, MMX & 3DNow! instructions sets
  • Tests L1 & L2 Cache
  • Tests System Bus & Memory Bus
  • Tests Chipset along with motherboard
  • Monitors CPU performance under pressure
  • Critical sections are written in Assembly language
  • Multi-threaded
  • Built in Anti-Crash & CRC checker
  • Benchmarking Ability
  • CPUID featured
  • LiveSupport

How it works:
Hot CPU Tester has several testing modules which test CPU, caches, chipset, memory modules and other parts of the motherboard. It is most likely for weak or defected parts to fail while they are under heavy load and when the heat production is high. The testing modules intentionally overload all components to the maximum limits to exhibit their integrity. Unstable parts cannot endure these pressures and soon they will fail the tests. Hot CPU Tester should run for several hours to check the system. 6 hours would be enough. If a system is stable under hard conditions for 6 hours it is unlikely to generate error during normal conditions.

Screen shots

Hot CPU Tester is featured at:



Last updated on January 21, 2002
Copyright 1998-2002 OpusWare Enterprise, Inc.